The 13th International Conference on Fracture invites interested engineers and scientists in all aspects of fracture to participate in this conference at Beijing, China. The conference will cover the largest developments in mechanics and mechanisms of fracture, fatigue and strength of solid materials and structures.
Prospective authors are kindly requested to submit their abstracts before October 17, 2012. Each author will be invited to give an oral presentation. Abstracts should be submitted through the conference website ( via the following two steps:
1. Registration of Participants
All contributors are requested to register themselves using the Paper On-Line Submission function on the conference website. The contributor is requested to input a valid email address, which will be used together with a password to log in before submitting an abstract.
2. Submission of Abstracts
Each abstract is limited to no more than 200 words. It should not contain figures or drawings. All abstracts will be printed, after acceptance for presentation, in the Abstract Book. After the submission is completed, the contributor will receive a confirmation email.
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 17, 2012
For Further Information: