In 1965 International Conference on Fracture (thereafter referred to as the First International Conference) held in Sendai, Japan, in September was under the chairmanship of Professor Takeo Yokobori. Approximately 500 participants from 19 countries joined in establishing an international organization on fracture, that is, the International Congress on Fracture.  A provisional Committee was organized for this purpose. Most of members of this committee consisted of those who served on the Organizing Committee for the first International Conference on Fracture. Professor Takeo Yokobori, who was the Chairman of the Conference was elected as the Chairman of this Committee.

In October 1967, the draft of the Statutes & Bye-Laws of the International Congress on Fracture (hereinafter referred to as ICF) were prepared. After studying and commenting among persons concerned, the amended draft was completed and approved in April 1969, during the Second International Conference on Fracture in Brighton, UK. Professor Takeo Yokobori, who took the initiative for the initiating The ICF through long time was by acclamation elected as the first President & Vice-Presidents, Directors, Treasurer and Secretary General were elected, and this Congress formally started operating in April 1969 with the Registered Office located in Sendai, Japan, c/o the Research Institute for Strength and Fracture of Materials, Tohoku University.

The aims of the Congress are to foster research in the mechanics and phenomena of fracture, fatigue, and strength of materials for development of materials which are better failure-resistant than the conventional materials and development of design methods that are better failure-safe than the conventional ones; to promote international co-operation among scientists and engineers in the field, and integration of the many disciplines involved in such research; and to provide means whereby results of such efforts may be publicly communicated. For this purpose, the Congress shall, both solely and in-cooperation with other bodies, hold the regular International Conference on Fracture at least once every four years.
